Epilogue (The Dark Duet #3) by C.J. Roberts

I’m writing this because you begged. You know how I love the begging. In fact, you probably know too many things and know them far too well. Who am I? Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. I was a whore in my youth, a killer since my adolescence, and a monster as a man. I am the man who kidnapped Livvie. I am the man who held her in a dark room for weeks. But, most importantly, I am the man she loves. She loves me. It’s quite sick, isn’t it? Of course, there’s more to our story than can be surmised in a few short sentences, but I’m at a loss for justifying my behavior back then. I assume if you’re reading this, I don’t need to make those justifications. You’ve already made your own. You’re reading this because you want to know about the rest of the story. You want to know what happened that warm summer night in September of 2010, the night I met Livvie at The Paseo. It was the night my life changed all over again. It didn’t happen exactly as Livvie said. She’s been very kind to me in the retelling of our story. The truth is far more…complicated.

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One thought on “Epilogue (The Dark Duet #3) by C.J. Roberts

  1. Well this certainly was not what I expected.

    Rather sweet and it did answer the few questions had.
    Caleb tries to right is wrongs then realizes he can not live without Livvie. He goes in search of her and they try to make a go of it with Caleb well not being Caleb. Vanilla and normal are not Caleb but we get to see their love grow and them work things out. Lovely ending to this story.

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