Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet #2) by C.J. Roberts


The exciting, titillating, and action-filled conclusion to Captive in the Dark.

What is the price of redemption?

Rescued from sexual slavery by a mysterious Pakistani officer, Caleb carries the weight of a debt that must be paid in blood.

The road has been long and fraught with uncertainty, but for Caleb and Livvie, it’s all coming to an end.

Can he surrender the woman he loves for the sake of vengeance?

Or will he make the ultimate sacrifice?

It seemed to Caleb, the nature of human beings revolved around one empirical truth: we want what we cannot have. For Eve, it was the fruit of the forbidden tree. For Caleb, it was Livvie.

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One thought on “Seduced in the Dark (The Dark Duet #2) by C.J. Roberts

  1. This instalment seriously messed with my head.
    For most the book I felt like I’d missed a great big chunk of the story. To the point I had to check I was actually reading book two.
    However. This is one dark messed up story.
    Nothing is sugar coated. So if your easily offended them don’t go near this. If your mind can go there then it’s in this book.
    I was going to read 3 but I think my brain needs a break.

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