Confessed (Vargas Cartel #3) by Lisa Cardiff


Revenge will be sought. Love will be tested. Lives will be lost. One minute, I could see my future with Hattie and our baby. The next, moment cured me of the illusion. Vargas blood ran through my veins and regardless of what I wanted, the darkness would always win. Make no mistake. I will save Hattie. I will kill every last person affiliated with the Alvarez Cartel. But then, I will set her free… Because that’s the only way to save her from me.

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One thought on “Confessed (Vargas Cartel #3) by Lisa Cardiff

  1. I didnt realy feel these had any dark romance but i still enjoyed them.
    The romance was predictable and i enjoyed the few twists.
    The ending was sweet.

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